Source code for strax.processor

from concurrent import futures
from functools import partial
import logging
import typing as ty
import os
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

import numpy as np

import strax

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

    import npshmex

    SHMExecutor = npshmex.ProcessPoolExecutor
    npshmex.register_array_wrapper(strax.Chunk, "data")
except ImportError:
    # This is allowed to fail, it only crashes if allow_shm = True
    SHMExecutor = None

[docs] @export class ProcessorComponents(ty.NamedTuple): """Specification to assemble a processor.""" plugins: ty.Dict[str, strax.Plugin] loaders: ty.Dict[str, ty.Callable] loader_plugins: ty.Dict[str, strax.Plugin] # Required for inline ParallelSource plugin. savers: ty.Dict[str, ty.List[strax.Saver]] targets: ty.Tuple[str]
class MailboxDict(dict): def __init__(self, *args, lazy=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lazy = lazy def __missing__(self, key): res = self[key] = strax.Mailbox(name=key + "_mailbox", lazy=self.lazy) return res
[docs] @export class ThreadedMailboxProcessor: mailboxes: ty.Dict[str, strax.Mailbox] def __init__( self, components: ProcessorComponents, allow_rechunk=True, allow_shm=False, allow_multiprocess=False, allow_lazy=True, max_workers=None, max_messages=4, timeout=60, is_superrun=False, ): self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.components = components self.log.debug("Processor components are: " + str(components)) if allow_multiprocess and == "nt": print("You're on Windows! Multiprocessing disabled, here be dragons.") allow_multiprocess = False if max_workers in [None, 1]: # Disable the executors: work in one process. # Each plugin works completely in its own thread. self.process_executor = self.thread_executor = None lazy = allow_lazy else: lazy = False # Use executors for parallelization of computations. self.thread_executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) mp_plugins = {d: p for d, p in components.plugins.items() if p.parallel == "process"} if allow_multiprocess and len(mp_plugins): _proc_ex = ProcessPoolExecutor if allow_shm: if SHMExecutor is None: raise RuntimeError( "You must install npshmex to enable shm transfer of numpy arrays." ) _proc_ex = SHMExecutor self.process_executor = _proc_ex(max_workers=max_workers) # Combine as many plugins /savers as possible in one process # TODO: more intelligent start determination, multiple starts start_from = list(mp_plugins.keys())[ int(np.argmin([len(p.depends_on) for p in mp_plugins.values()])) ] components = strax.ParallelSourcePlugin.inline_plugins( components, start_from, log=self.log ) self.components = components self.log.debug("Altered components for multiprocessing: " + str(components)) else: self.process_executor = self.thread_executor # type: ignore # Figure which outputs # - we should exclude from the flow control in lazy mode, # because they are produced but not required. # - we should discard (produced but neither required not saved) produced = set(components.loaders) required = set(components.targets) # Do not just take keys from savers, perhaps some keys # have no savers are under them (see #444) saved = set([k for k, v in components.savers.items() if v]) for p in components.plugins.values(): produced.update(p.provides) required.update(p.depends_on) to_flow_freely = produced - required to_discard = to_flow_freely - saved self.log.debug( f"to_flow_freely {to_flow_freely}" f"to_discard {to_discard}" f"produced {produced}" f"required {required}" f"saved {saved}" ) self.mailboxes = MailboxDict(lazy=lazy) for d, loader in components.loaders.items(): assert d not in components.plugins # If paralellizing, use threads for loading # the decompressor releases the gil, and we have a lot # of data transfer to do self.mailboxes[d].add_sender(loader(executor=self.thread_executor), name=f"load:{d}") multi_output_seen: ty.List[strax.Plugin] = [] for d, p in components.plugins.items(): if p in multi_output_seen: continue if p.__class__ in [mp_seen.__class__ for mp_seen in multi_output_seen]: raise ValueError( "A multi-output plugin is registered with different " "instances for its provided data_types!" ) executor = None if p.parallel == "process": executor = self.process_executor elif p.parallel: executor = self.thread_executor # type: ignore if p.multi_output: multi_output_seen.append(p) # Create temp mailbox that receives multi-output dicts # and sends them forth to other mailboxes mname = p.__class__.__name__ + "_divide_outputs" self.mailboxes[mname].add_sender( p.iter( iters={dep: self.mailboxes[dep].subscribe() for dep in p.depends_on}, executor=executor, ), name=f"divide_outputs:{d}", ) # If we have a plugin with double dependency both outputs # of a multioutput-plugin are required. Hence flow-freely # is empty an needs to be updated here: provided_data_types = set(p.provides) reader_data_types = set(strax.to_str_tuple(d)) double_dependency = provided_data_types - reader_data_types to_flow_freely |= double_dependency self.log.debug(f"Updating flow freely for {mname} to be {to_flow_freely}") self.mailboxes[mname].add_reader( partial( strax.divide_outputs, lazy=lazy, # make sure to subscribe the outputs of the mp_plugins mailboxes={k: self.mailboxes[k] for k in p.provides}, flow_freely=to_flow_freely, outputs=p.provides, ) ) else: self.mailboxes[d].add_sender( p.iter( iters={dep: self.mailboxes[dep].subscribe() for dep in p.depends_on}, executor=executor, ), name=f"build:{d}", ) dtypes_built = {d: p for p in components.plugins.values() for d in p.provides} for d, savers in components.savers.items(): for s_i, saver in enumerate(savers): if d in dtypes_built: can_drive = not lazy rechunk = dtypes_built[d].can_rechunk(d) and allow_rechunk else: # This is storage conversion mode # TODO: Don't know how to get this info, for now, # be conservative and don't rechunk can_drive = True rechunk = is_superrun and allow_rechunk self.mailboxes[d].add_reader( partial( saver.save_from, rechunk=rechunk, # If paralellizing, use threads for saving # the compressor releases the gil, # and we have a lot of data transfer to do executor=self.thread_executor, ), can_drive=can_drive, name=f"save_{s_i}:{d}", ) # For multi-output plugins, an output may be neither saved nor # required, and thus has to be discarded. # This should happen rarely in production (when you actually # care about the data, you will be saving it) def discarder(source): for _ in source: pass for d in to_discard: self.mailboxes[d].add_reader(discarder, name=f"discard_{d}") # Set to preferred number of maximum messages # TODO: may not work if plugins are inlined?? for d, m in self.mailboxes.items(): m.max_messages = max_messages m.timeout = timeout if d in components.plugins: max_m = components.plugins[d].max_messages if max_m is not None: m.max_messages = max_m # Remove defaultdict-like behaviour; all mailboxes should # have been made by now. See #444 self.mailboxes = dict(self.mailboxes) self.log.debug( f"Created the following mailboxes: {self.mailboxes} with the " f"following threads: {[(d, m._threads) for d, m in self.mailboxes.items()]}" )
[docs] def iter(self): target = self.components.targets[0] final_generator = self.mailboxes[target].subscribe() self.log.debug("Starting threads") for m in self.mailboxes.values(): self.log.debug(f"start {m}") m.start() self.log.debug(f"Yielding {target}") traceback, exc, reason = None, None, None try: yield from final_generator # GeneratorExit results from exception in caller # (on garbage collection, .close() is called, see PEP342) except (Exception, GeneratorExit) as e: self.log.fatal(f"Target Mailbox ({target}) killed, exception {type(e)}, message {e}") if isinstance(e, strax.MailboxKilled): _, exc, traceback = reason = e.args[0] else: exc = e reason = (e.__class__, e, sys.exc_info()[2]) traceback = reason[2] # We will reraise it in just a moment... if exc is not None: if isinstance(exc, GeneratorExit): print("Main generator exited irregularly?!") reason[2] = ( "Hm, interesting. Most likely an exception was thrown " "outside strax, but we did not handle it properly." ) # Kill the mailboxes for m in self.mailboxes.values(): if m != target: self.log.debug(f"Killing {m}") m.kill(upstream=True, reason=reason) self.log.debug("Closing threads") for m in self.mailboxes.values(): m.cleanup() self.log.debug("Closing threads completed") self.log.debug("Closing executors") if self.thread_executor is not None: self.thread_executor.shutdown(wait=True) if self.process_executor not in [None, self.thread_executor]: self.process_executor.shutdown(wait=True) self.log.debug("Closing executors completed") if exc is not None: # Reraise exception. This is outside the except block # to avoid the 'during handling of this exception, another # exception occurred' stuff from confusing the traceback # which is printed for the user self.log.debug("Reraising exception") raise exc.with_traceback(traceback) # Check the savers for any exception that occurred during saving # These are thrown back to the mailbox, but if that has already closed # it doesn't trigger a crash... # TODO: add savers inlined by parallelsourceplugin # TODO: need to look at plugins too if we ever implement true # multi-target mode for k, saver_list in self.components.savers.items(): for s in saver_list: if s.got_exception: self.log.fatal(f"Caught error while saving {k}!") raise s.got_exception self.log.debug("Processing finished")