Plugin development

Special time fields

The time, endtime, dt and length fields have special meaning for strax.

It is useful for most plugins to output a time and endtime field, indicating the start and (exclusive) end time of the entities you are producing. If you do not do this, your plugin cannot be loaded for part of a run (e.g. with seconds_range).

Both time and endtime should be 64-bit integer timestamps in nanoseconds since the unix epoch. Instead of endtime, you can provide dt (an integer time resolution in ns) and length (integer); strax will then compute the endtime as dt * length. Lower-level datatypes commonly use this.

Usually, you simply pass these time-related fields through from one of your dependencies (e.g. events or peak_basics). You should only modify them if you are changing data kind. If your plugin does defines a new data kind, you set the values yourself, depending on the thing you are making (events, peaks, etc).

Multiple outputs

Plugins can have multiple outputs. Do not use this if you just want to return a multi-column output (e.g. the area and width of a peak), that’s what the structured arrays are for. But if you want to return incompatible kinds of rows, e.g. both records and hits, or peaks and some metadata for each chunk, multi-output support is essential.

To return multiple outputs from a plugin:
  • The provides tuple should have multiple elements, listing the provided data type names

  • The dtype and data_kind attributes should be dictionaries mapping data type names to dtypes and data kind names, respectively. The values of these dicts can be specified in the same way as the entire attribute would be for a single-output plugin

  • The compute method must return a dictionary mapping data types to results (structured numpy arrays or field/array dictionaries).

Plugin types

There are several plugin types:
  • Plugin: The general type of plugin. Should contain at least depends_on = <datakind>, provides = <datatype>, def compute(self, <datakind>), and dtype = <dtype> or def infer_dtype(): <>.

  • OverlapWindowPlugin: Allows a plugin to look for data in adjacent chunks. A OverlapWindowPlugin assumes all inputs are sorted by endtime. This only works for disjoint intervals such as peaks or events, but NOT records! The user has to define get_window_size(self) along with the plugin which returns the required chunk extension in nanoseconds.

  • LoopPlugin: Allows user to loop over a given datakind and find the corresponding data of a lower datakind using for example def compute_loop(self, events, peaks) where we loop over events and get the corresponding peaks that are within the time range of the event. By default the second argument (peaks) must be fully contained in the first argument (events ). If a touching time window is desired set the class attribute time_selection to ‘`touching’`.

  • CutPlugin: Plugin type where using def cut_by(self, <datakind>) inside the plugin a user can return a boolean array that can be used to select data.

  • MergeOnlyPlugin: This is for internal use and only merges two plugins into a new one. See as an example in straxen the EventInfo plugin where the following datatypes are merged 'events', 'event_basics', 'event_positions', 'corrected_areas', 'energy_estimates'.

  • ParallelSourcePlugin: For internal use only to parallelize the processing of low level plugins. This can be activated using stating parallel = 'process' in a plugin.

Minimal examples

Below, each of the plugins is minimally worked out, each plugin can be worked out into much greater detail, see e.g. the plugins in straxen.


In the example below, we are going to set the BasePlugin.__version__ to None which is useful for development, since the class automatically generates a version when the code is changed. For mature pipelines, like straxen, specifying the __version__ manually is recommended since it allows users to specify if any code-change should be reflected in the plugins’ lineage.

# To tests, one can use these dummy Peaks and Records from strax
import strax
import numpy as np
from strax.testutils import Records, Peaks, run_id
st = strax.Context(register=[Records, Peaks])

class BasePlugin(strax.Plugin):
    """The most common plugin where computations on data are performed in strax"""
    depends_on = 'records'

    # For good practice always specify the version and provide argument
    provides = 'simple_data'
    # When you are developing a new plugin, you can set this version to None to
    # auto-infer this from the code of the plugin.
    __version__ = None  # Only for development! Otherwise '0.0.0'

    # We need to specify the datatype, for this example, we are
    # going to calculate some areas
    dtype = strax.time_fields + [(("Total ADC counts",'area'), np.int32)]

    def compute(self, records):
        result = np.zeros(len(records), dtype=self.dtype)

        # All data in strax must have some sort of time fields
        result['time'] = records['time']
        result['endtime'] = strax.endtime(records)

        # For this example, we calculate the total sum of the records-data
        result['area'] = np.sum(records['data'], axis = 1)
        return result

st.get_df(run_id, 'simple_data')


class OverlapPlugin(strax.OverlapWindowPlugin):
    Allow peaks get_window_size() left and right to get peaks
        within the time range
    depends_on = 'peaks'
    provides = 'overlap_data'

    dtype = strax.time_fields + [(("total peaks", 'n_peaks'), np.int16)]

    def get_window_size(self):
        # Look 10 ns left and right of each peak
        return 10

    def compute(self, peaks):
        result = np.zeros(1, dtype=self.dtype)
        result['time'] = np.min(peaks['time'])
        result['endtime'] = np.max(strax.endtime(peaks))
        result['n_peaks'] = len(peaks)
        return result

st.get_df(run_id, 'overlap_data')


class LoopData(strax.LoopPlugin):
    """Loop over peaks and find the records within each of those peaks."""
    depends_on = 'peaks', 'records'
    provides = 'looped_data'

    dtype = strax.time_fields + [(("total records", 'n_records'), np.int16)]

    # The LoopPlugin specific requirements
    time_selection = 'fully_contained' # other option is 'touching'
    loop_over = 'peaks'

    # Use the compute_loop() instead of compute()
    def compute_loop(self, peaks, records):
        result = np.zeros(len(peaks), dtype=self.dtype)
        result['time'] = np.min(peaks['time'])
        result['endtime'] = np.max(strax.endtime(peaks))
        result['n_records'] = len(records)
        return result
st.get_df(run_id, 'looped_data')


class CutData(strax.CutPlugin):
    Create a boolean array if an entry passes a given cut,
        in this case if the peak has a positive area
    depends_on = 'peaks'
    provides = 'cut_data'

    # Use cut_by() instead of compute() to generate a boolean array
    def cut_by(self, peaks):
        return peaks['area']>0

st.get_df(run_id, 'cut_data')


class MergeData(strax.MergeOnlyPlugin):
    """Merge datatypes of the same datakind into a single datatype"""
    depends_on = ('peaks', 'cut_data')
    provides = 'merged_data'

    # You only need specify the dependencies, those are merged.

st.get_array(run_id, 'merged_data')

Plugin inheritance

It is possible to inherit the compute() method of an already existing plugin with another plugin. We call these types of plugins child plugins. Child plugins are recognized by strax when the child_plugin attribute of the plugin is set to True. Below you can find a simple example of a child plugin with its parent plugin:

strax.Option('by_child_overwrite_option', type=int, default=5,
             help="Option we will overwrite in our child plugin"),
strax.Option('parent_unique_option', type=int, default=2,
             help='Option which is not touched by the child and '
                  'therefore the same for parent and child'),
class ParentPlugin(strax.Plugin):
    provides = 'odd_peaks'
    depends_on = 'peaks'
    __version__ = '0.0.1'
    dtype = parent_dtype

    def compute(self, peaks):
        peaks['area'] *= self.config['parent_unique_option']
        peaks['time'] *= self.config['by_child_overwrite_option']
        return res

# Child:
                 help="Option we will overwrite in our child plugin"),
                  help="Option we will overwrite in our child plugin"),
class ChildPlugin(ParentPlugin):
    provides = 'odd_peaks_child'
    depends_on = 'peaks'
    __version__ = '0.0.1'
    child_plugin = True

    def compute(self, peaks):
        res = super().compute(peaks)
        res['width'] = self.config['option_unique_child']
        return res

The super().compute() statement in the compute method of ChildPlugin allows us to execute the code of the parent’s compute method without duplicating it. Additionally, if needed, we can extend the code with some for the child-plugin unique computation steps.

To allow for the child plugin to have different settings then its parent (e.g. 'by_child_overwrite_option' in self.config['by_child_overwrite_option'] of the parent’s compute method), we have to use specific child option. These options will be recognized by strax and overwrite the config values of the parent parameter during the initialization of the child-plugin. Hence, these changes only affect the child, but not the parent.

An option can be flagged as a child option if the corresponding option attribute is set child_option=True. Further, the option name which should be overwritten must be specified via the option attribute parent_option_name.

The lineage of a child plugin contains in addition to its options the name and version of the parent plugin.