
Overview and motivation

A superrun is a run defined by (parts of) other runs, which are called ‘subruns’. Superrun names start with an underscore. Regular run names cannot start with an underscore.

Strax builds data for a superrun by loading (and potentially building) each of the subruns, then slicing and concatenating them as necessary. In addition superruns can be stored to disk as a rechunked representation of its subruns. This currently only works for static lineages e.g. without default-by-run_id settings. Stored superruns have the advantage that loading data is much faster and different data_types of the same kind can be combined.

Superruns are useful to track common groupings of data. For example:

  • ‘Minimum bias’ runs, consisting only of low-energy events, events passing some cuts, DM-candidates, PMT flashes, or other thing of interest. The low-level data of these is much smaller than that of all the full runs, and can be brought to a local analysis facility, enabling on-site low-level waveform watching.

  • Grouping similar runs. For example, shifters might group good runs from a week of calibration data with some source under a single name, e.g. _kr_feb2019.

Superruns can be built from other superruns. Thus, _sr1_v0.2 could be built from _background_january, _background_february, etc.

Defining superruns and making data:

Use the define_run context method to define a new superrun. Currently it is only supported to define superruns from a list of run_ids:

st.define_run('_awesome_superrun', ['123', '124'])

From a dictionary of time range tuples. The times must be 64-bit integer UTC timestamps since the unix epoch:

st.define_run('_awesome_superrun', {
    '123': [(start, stop), (start, stop), ...],
    '124': [(start, stop), (start, stop), ...],})

From a dataframe (or record array) with strax data:

st.define_run('_awesome_superrun', events_df)
st.define_run('_awesome_superrun', events_df, from_run='123')

In this case, the run will be made of the time ranges that correspond exactly to events_df. If `events_df already has a run_id field (e.g. because it consists of data from multiple runs), you do not need to pass from_run, it will be read off from the data.

It is up to the storage frontend to process your request for defining a run. As a normal user, you generally only have permissions to create a new run in the DataDirectory (local files) storage frontend, where runs are recorded in json files.

Making superrun data is as easy as creating any other data. Once a superrun is defined we can make for example event_info via:

st.make('_awesome_superrun', 'event_info)

For bookkeeping each stored superrun chunk contains information of its constituents in a field called subruns e.g.:

{'0': {'end': 10, 'start': 0},
 '1': {'end': 30, 'start': 20},
 '2': {'end': 50, 'start': 40}}

Where the keys represent the subrun_ids and start/end the start and end of the corresponding first/last chunk included in the superrun chunk. The same information can also be found in the metadata of the individual chunks:

{'chunk_i': 0,
 'end': 50,
 'filename': 'records-j3nd2fjbiq-000000',
 'filesize': 2343,
 'first_endtime': 1,
 'first_time': 0,
 'last_endtime': 50,
 'last_time': 49,
 'n': 300,
 'nbytes': 77100,
 'run_id': '_superrun_test',
 'start': 0,
 'subruns': {'0': {'end': 10, 'start': 0},
             '1': {'end': 30, 'start': 20},
             '2': {'end': 50, 'start': 40}}}

After creating data we can load the superrun as we are used to and combine it with other data_types of the same kind too.

To work more easily with superruns all chunks have also the properties chunk.is_superun as well as chunk.first_subrun and chunk.last_subrun.

If you wish to make/store a superrun you have to specify the context option:

st.set_context_config({'write_superruns': True})

Superruns follow the same saving rules (SaveWhen.TARGET, SaveWhen.EXPLICIT or SaveWhen.ALWAYS) as regular runs.

How superruns work

As mentioned above, strax builds data for superruns by slicing data of the subruns. Thus, peaks from a superrun come from the peaks of the subruns, which are built from their own records as usual.

Defaults for settings can be runid-dependent in strax, although this is not preferred any longer. If an option specifies default_per_run=[(run, setting), (run2, setting2)], then runs in between run and run2 will use setting, and runs after run2 setting2. Superruns store a deterministic hash of this default_per_run specification for tracking purposes.

You cannot currently go directly from the superrun’s records to the superrun’s peaks. This would be tricky to implement, since (1) (2) even with the same settings, many plugins choose to do something different depending on the run_id. For example, in straxen the gain model is specified by a file, but which gains from the file are actually used is dependent on the runid.

Thus, superruns won’t help build data faster, but they will speed up loading data after it has been built. This is important, because strax’ overhead for loading a run is larger than hax, due to its version and option tracking (this is only true if per-run-default options are allowed).