Options and defaults

You can specify options using the strax.takes_config decorator and the strax.Option objects. See any plugin source code for example.

There is a single configuration dictionary in a strax context, shared by all plugins. Be judicious in how you name your options to avoid clashes. “Threshold” is probably a bad name, “peak_min_channels” is better.

If an option is not set in the context’s configuration, strax will use its default value if the option defines one. If the plugin specifies no default, you will get a RuntimeError when attempting to start processing.

Even when a default is used, the value used will be stored in the metadata of the produced data. Thus, if you only change a default value for a plugin’s option, you do NOT have to increment the plugin version to ensure data is rebuilt when needed.

You can specify defaults in several ways:

  • default: Use the given value as default.

  • default_factory: Call the given function (with no arguments) to produce a default. Use for mutable values such as lists.

  • default_per_run: Specify a list of 2-tuples: (start_run, default). Here start_run is a numerized run name (e.g 170118_1327; note the underscore is valid in integers since python 3.6) and default the option that applies from that run onwards.

  • The strax_defaults dictionary in the run metadata. This overrides any defaults specified in the plugin code, but take care – if you change a value here, there will be no record anywhere of what value was used previously, so you cannot reproduce your results anymore!


    strax.Option('config_name', type=int, default=1)
class DummyPlugin(strax.Plugin):
    depends_on = ('records', )
    provides = ('dummy_data')

    def compute(self, records):
        value = self.config_name
        # or
        value = self.config['config_name']

Descriptor Options

An alternative way to define plugin configuration is with the Config class as follows:

class DummyPlugin(strax.Plugin):
    depends_on = ('records', )

    config_name = Config(type=int, default=1)

    def compute(self, records):
        # configs should be accessed as attributes for runtime evaluation
        value = self.config_name*2

Some projects require more flexible plugin configuration that is evaluated at runtime. For these cases its recommended to subclass the Config class and overwrite the fetch(self, plugin) method to compute the value from the current plugin state at runtime when the attribute is accessed.

A few tips when implementing such workflows:
  • You should limit yourself to a single syntax for your plugin configuration. Mixing multiple approaches in a single project can increase the complexity and mental burdon on analysts who will need to remember multiple configuratoin syntaxes and which one is used in each case.

  • Remember that whatever syntax is used, strax assumes the same set of user configs will always create the same data. When defining complex lookups for the plugin configuration at runtime it is up to you to keep this implicit promise.

  • When defining time-consuming lookups, it is recommended to implement a caching mechanism. Configuration value may be accessed many times during processing and expensive runtime computation of these values can reduce performance significantly.

Reference implementations

Lookup by key

import strax
import typing as ty

class LookupConfig(Config):
    mapping: ty.Mapping
    keys = ty.Iterable

    def __init__(self, mapping: ty.Mapping, keys=('name', 'value'), **kwargs):
        self.mapping = mapping
        keys = strax.to_str_tuple(keys)
        self.keys = keys

    def fetch(self, plugin):
        key = []
        for k in self.keys:
            if k=='name':
                v = self.name
            elif k=='value':
                v = plugin.config[self.name]
            elif isinstance(k, str) and hasattr(plugin, k):
                v = getattr(plugin, k)
                v = k
        if len(key)==1:
            key = key[0]
            key = tuple(key)
        return self.mapping[key]

Find config from a list of values stores.

import strax
import typing as ty

class RemoteConfig(Config):
    storages: ty.Iterable
    name_key: str
    value_key: str

    def __init__(self, storages, name_key='name', value_key='value', **kwargs):
        self.storages = storages
        self.name_key = name_key
        self.value_key = value_key

    def fetch(self, plugin, **kwargs):
        kwargs[self.name_key] = self.name
        kwargs[self.value_key] = plugin.config[self.name]
        for store in self.storages:
            v = store.get_value(**kwargs)
            if v is not None:
            raise KeyError(f'A value for the {self.name} config has not been \
                            found in any of its registered storages.')
        return v

Fetch config value from a callable

import strax
import typing as ty

class CallableConfig(Config):
    func: ty.Callable

    def __init__(self, func: ty.Callable, args=(), kwargs: dict=None, **extra_kwargs):
        if not isinstance(func, ty.Callable):
            raise TypeError('func parameter must be of type Callable.')
        self.func = func
        self.args = args
        if kwargs is None:
            kwargs = {}
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def fetch(self, plugin):
        args = []
        for arg in self.args:
            if isinstance(arg, str) and hasattr(plugin, arg):
                args.append(getattr(plugin, arg))

        kwargs = {}
        for k,v in self.kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(v, str) and hasattr(plugin, v):
                kwargs[k] = getattr(plugin, v)
                kwargs[k] = v

        value = super().fetch(plugin)
        value = self.func(value, *args, **kwargs)
        return value

URL style configuration (used in straxen )

import strax
from numpy import isin
import inspect
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from ast import literal_eval
from functools import lru_cache

def parse_val(val):
        val = literal_eval(val)
    return val

class URLConfig(strax.Config):
    """Dispatch on URL protocol.
    unrecognized protocol returns identity
    inspired by dasks Dispatch and fsspec fs protocols.

    _LOOKUP = {}
    SCHEME_SEP = '://'
    QUERY_SEP = '?'
    PLUGIN_ATTR_PREFIX = 'plugin.'

    def __init__(self, cache=False, **kwargs):
        self.final_type = OMITTED
        # Ensure backwards compatibility with Option validation
        # type of the config value can be different from the fetched value.
        if self.type is not OMITTED:
            self.final_type = self.type
            self.type = OMITTED # do not enforce type on the URL
        if cache:
            maxsize = cache if isinstance(cache, int) else None
            self.dispatch = lru_cache(maxsize)(self.dispatch)

    def register(cls, protocol, func=None):
        """Register dispatch of `func` on urls
        starting with protocol name `protocol` """

        def wrapper(func):
            if isinstance(protocol, tuple):
                for t in protocol:
                    cls.register(t, func)
                return func

            if not isinstance(protocol, str):
                raise ValueError('Protocol name must be a string.')

            if protocol in cls._LOOKUP:
                raise ValueError(f'Protocol with name {protocol} already registered.')
            cls._LOOKUP[protocol] = func
            return func
        return wrapper(func) if func is not None else wrapper

    def dispatch(self, url, *args, **kwargs):
        Call the corresponding method based on protocol in url.
        chained protocols will be called with the result of the
        previous protocol as input
        overrides are passed to any protocol whos signature can accept them.

        # seperate the protocol name from the path
        protocol, _, path =  url.partition(self.SCHEME_SEP)

        # find the corresponding protocol method
        meth = self._LOOKUP.get(protocol, None)
        if meth is None:
            # unrecongnized protocol
            # evaluate as string-literal
            return url

        if self.SCHEME_SEP in path:
            # url contains a nested protocol
            # first call sub-protocol
            arg = self.dispatch(path, **kwargs)
            # we are at the end of the chain
            # method should be called with path as argument
            arg = path

        # filter kwargs to pass only the kwargs
        #  accepted by the method.
        kwargs = self.filter_kwargs(meth, kwargs)

        return meth(arg, *args, **kwargs)

    def split_url_kwargs(self, url):
        """split a url into path and kwargs
        path, _, _ = url.rpartition(self.QUERY_SEP)
        kwargs = {}
        for k,v in parse_qs(urlparse(url).query).items():
            # values of query arguments are evaluated as lists
            # split logic depending on length
            n = len(v)
            if not n:
                kwargs[k] = None
            elif n==1:
                kwargs[k] = parse_val(v[0])
                kwargs[k] = map(parse_val, v)
        return path, kwargs

    def filter_kwargs(func, kwargs):
        """Filter out keyword arguments that
            are not in the call signature of func
            and return filtered kwargs dictionary
        params = inspect.signature(func).parameters
        if any([str(p).startswith('**') for p in params.values()]):
            # if func accepts wildcard kwargs, return all
            return kwargs
        return {k:v for k,v in kwargs.items() if k in params}

    def fetch(self, plugin):
        # first fetch the user-set value
        # from the config dictionary
        url = super().fetch(plugin)

        if not isinstance(url, str):
            # if the value is not a string it is evaluated
            # as a literal config and returned as is.
            return url

        if self.SCHEME_SEP not in url:
            # no protocol in the url so its evaluated
            # as string-literal config and returned as is
            return url

        # sperate out the query part of the URL which
        # will become the method kwargs
        url, url_kwargs = self.split_url_kwargs(url)

        kwargs = {}
        for k,v in url_kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith(self.PLUGIN_ATTR_PREFIX):
                # kwarg is referring to a plugin attribute, lets fetch it
                kwargs[k] = getattr(plugin, v[len(self.PLUGIN_ATTR_PREFIX):], v)
                # kwarg is a literal, add its value to the kwargs dict
                kwargs[k] = v

        return self.dispatch(url, **kwargs)