Source code for

"""Read/write numpy arrays to/from compressed files or file-like objects."""

import os
import bz2
import json

import numpy as np
import blosc
import zstd
import lz4.frame as lz4
from ast import literal_eval

import strax

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()


    bz2=dict(compress=bz2.compress, decompress=bz2.decompress),
    zstd=dict(compress=zstd.compress, decompress=zstd.decompress),
        compress=None,  # add special function to prevent overflow at bottom module
    lz4=dict(compress=lz4.compress, decompress=lz4.decompress),

[docs] @export def load_file(f, compressor, dtype): """Read and return data from file. :param f: file name or handle to read from :param compressor: compressor to use for decompressing. If not passed, will try to load it from json metadata file. :param dtype: numpy dtype of data to load """ if isinstance(f, str): with open(f, mode="rb") as write_file: return _load_file(write_file, compressor, dtype) else: return _load_file(f, compressor, dtype)
def _load_file(f, compressor, dtype): try: data = if not len(data): return np.zeros(0, dtype=dtype) data = COMPRESSORS[compressor]["decompress"](data) try: return np.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"ValueError while loading data with dtype =\n\t{dtype}") from e except Exception: raise strax.DataCorrupted( f"Fatal Error while reading file {f}: " + strax.utils.formatted_exception() )
[docs] @export def save_file(f, data, compressor="zstd"): """Save data to file and return number of bytes written. :param f: file name or handle to save to :param data: data (numpy array) to save :param compressor: compressor to use """ if isinstance(f, str): final_fn = f temp_fn = f + "_temp" with open(temp_fn, mode="wb") as write_file: result = _save_file(write_file, data, compressor) os.rename(temp_fn, final_fn) return result else: return _save_file(f, data, compressor)
def _save_file(f, data, compressor="zstd"): assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray), "Please pass a numpy array" d_comp = COMPRESSORS[compressor]["compress"](data) f.write(d_comp) return len(d_comp) def _compress_blosc(data): if data.nbytes >= blosc.MAX_BUFFERSIZE: raise ValueError("Blosc's input buffer cannot exceed ~2 GB") return blosc.compress(data, shuffle=False) COMPRESSORS["blosc"]["compress"] = _compress_blosc
[docs] @export def dry_load_files(dirname, chunk_number=None): prefix = metadata_json = f"{prefix}-metadata.json" md_path = os.path.join(dirname, metadata_json) with open(md_path, mode="r") as f: metadata = json.loads( dtype = literal_eval(metadata["dtype"]) def load_chunk(chunk_info): if chunk_info["n"] != 0: data = load_file( os.path.join(dirname, f"{prefix}-{chunk_info['chunk_i']:06d}"), metadata["compressor"], dtype, ) if len(data) != chunk_info["n"]: raise ValueError( f"Chunk {chunk_info['chunk_i']:06d} has {len(data)} " f"items, but metadata says {chunk_info['n']}." ) return data if len(data) else np.empty(0, dtype) # Load all chunks if chunk_number is None, otherwise load the specified chunk if chunk_number is None: chunk_numbers = list(range(len(metadata["chunks"]))) else: if not isinstance(chunk_number, int): raise ValueError(f"Chunk number must be an integer, not {chunk_number}.") if chunk_number >= len(metadata["chunks"]): raise ValueError(f"Chunk {chunk_number:06d} does not exist in {dirname}.") chunk_numbers = [chunk_number] results = [] for c in chunk_numbers: chunk_info = metadata["chunks"][c] results.append(load_chunk(chunk_info)) results = np.hstack(results) return results if len(results) else np.empty(0, dtype)