Source code for strax.config

import builtins
import typing as ty
import numbers
from immutabledict import immutabledict

import strax

export, __all__ = strax.exporter()

# Placeholder value for omitted values.
# Use instead of None since None might be a proper value/default
__all__.extend("OMITTED InvalidConfiguration".split())

[docs] @export class InvalidConfiguration(Exception): pass
[docs] @export def takes_config(*options): """Decorator for plugin classes, to specify which options it takes. :param options: Option instances of options this plugin takes. """ def wrapped(plugin_class): result = {} for opt in options: if not isinstance(opt, Option): raise RuntimeError("Specify config options by Option objects") opt.taken_by = plugin_class.__name__ result[] = opt # For some reason the second condition is essential, I don't understand # yet why... if hasattr(plugin_class, "takes_config") and len(plugin_class.takes_config): # Already have some options set, e.g. because of subclassing # where both child and parent have a takes_config decorator for opt in result.values(): if in plugin_class.takes_config: raise RuntimeError(f"Attempt to specify option {} twice") plugin_class.takes_config = immutabledict({**plugin_class.takes_config, **result}) else: plugin_class.takes_config = immutabledict(result) if isinstance(opt, strax.Config): setattr(plugin_class,, opt) return plugin_class return wrapped
[docs] @export class Option: """Configuration option taken by a strax plugin.""" taken_by: str def __init__( self, name: str, type: ty.Union[str, type, tuple, list] = OMITTED, default: ty.Any = OMITTED, default_factory: ty.Union[str, ty.Callable] = OMITTED, default_by_run=OMITTED, child_option: bool = False, parent_option_name: ty.Optional[str] = None, track: bool = True, infer_type=False, help: str = "", ): """ :param name: Option identifier :param type: Excepted type of the option's value. :param default: Default value the option takes. :param default_factory: Function that produces a default value. :param default_by_run: Specify that default is run-dependent. Either - Callable. Will be called with run_id, must return value for run. - List [(start_run_id, value), ..,] for values specified by range of runs. "default_by_run" can only be usd in contexts where the context option "use_per_run_defaults" is set to True :param child_option: If true option is marked as a child_option. All options which are marked as a child overwrite the corresponding parent option. Removes also the corresponding parent option from the lineage. :param parent_option_name: Name of the parent option of child option. Required to find the key of the parent option so it can be overwritten by the value of the child option. :param track: If True (default), option value becomes part of plugin lineage (just like the plugin version). :param infer_type: Whether to infer the type from the default value if type not explicitly set. :param help: Human-readable description of the option. """ = name self.type = type self.default = default self.default_by_run = default_by_run self.default_factory = default_factory self.track = track = help # Options required for inherited child plugins: # Require both to be more explicit and reduce errors by the user self.child_option = child_option self.parent_option_name = parent_option_name if (self.child_option and not self.parent_option_name) or ( not self.child_option and self.parent_option_name ): raise ValueError( 'You have to specify both, "child_option"=True and ' "the name of the parent option which should be " "overwritten by the child. Options which are unique " "to the child should not be marked as a child option." f"Please update {} accordingly." ) # if self.default_by_run is not OMITTED: # warnings.warn(f"The {} option uses default_by_run," # f" which will soon stop working!", # DeprecationWarning) if ( sum( [ self.default is not OMITTED, self.default_factory is not OMITTED, self.default_by_run is not OMITTED, ] ) > 1 ): raise RuntimeError(f"Tried to specify more than one default for option {}.") if infer_type and type is OMITTED and default is not OMITTED: for ntype in [numbers.Integral, numbers.Number]: # first check if its a number otherwise numpy numbers # will fail type checking when checked against int and float. # numbers.Integral, numbers.Number are safe to use # since numpy registers them as super-classes. # left as a loop since we may want to add other exceptions as # they are discovered. if isinstance(default, ntype): self.type = ntype break else: self.type = builtins.type(default)
[docs] def get_default(self, run_id, run_defaults: ty.Optional[dict] = None): """Return default value for the option.""" if run_defaults is not None and in run_defaults: return run_defaults[] if self.default is not OMITTED: return self.default if self.default_factory is not OMITTED: return self.default_factory() # type: ignore if self.default_by_run is not OMITTED: # TODO: This legacy code for handling default_per_run will soon # be removed! if run_id is None: run_id = 0 # TODO: think if this makes sense if isinstance(run_id, str): is_superrun = run_id.startswith("_") if not is_superrun: run_id = int(run_id.replace("_", "")) else: is_superrun = False if callable(self.default_by_run): raise RuntimeError( "Using functions to specify per-run defaults is no longer" "supported: specify a (first_run, option) list, or " "a URL of a file to process in the plugin" ) if is_superrun: return "<SUBRUN-DEPENDENT:%s>" % strax.deterministic_hash(self.default_by_run) use_value = OMITTED for i, (start_run, value) in enumerate(self.default_by_run): if start_run > run_id: break use_value = value if use_value is OMITTED: raise ValueError( f"Run id {run_id} is smaller than the " "lowest run id {start_run} for which the default " "of the option {} is known." ) return use_value raise InvalidConfiguration(f"Missing option {} required by {self.taken_by}")
[docs] def validate( self, config, run_id=None, # TODO: will soon be removed run_defaults=None, set_defaults=True, ): """Checks if the option is in config and sets defaults if needed.""" if in config: value = config[] if self.type is not OMITTED and not isinstance(value, self.type): # TODO replace back with InvalidConfiguration UserWarning( f"Invalid type for option {}. " f"Excepted a {self.type}, got a {type(value)}" ) elif set_defaults: config[] = self.get_default(run_id, run_defaults)
# subclass Option for backward compatibility
[docs] @export class Config(Option): """An alternative to the `takes_config` class decorator which uses the descriptor protocol to return the config value when the attribute is accessed from within a plugin.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # for now set the name to empty string # will be replaced by the actual name # after __set_name__ is called on class # instantiation if "name" not in kwargs: kwargs["name"] = "" super().__init__(**kwargs) def __set_name__(self, owner, name): """'Plugin class has been instantiated we can now set the option name and add it to the plugins takes_config dictionary.""" = name self.taken_by = owner.__name__ new_takes_config = {name: self} if hasattr(owner, "takes_config") and len(owner.takes_config): # Already have some options set, e.g. because of subclassing # where both child and parent have a takes_config decorator if name in owner.takes_config: raise RuntimeError(f"Attempt to specify option {name} twice") owner.takes_config = immutabledict({**owner.takes_config, **new_takes_config}) else: owner.takes_config = immutabledict(new_takes_config) def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): return self.fetch(obj) def __set__(self, obj, value): raise AttributeError(f"{} is a plugin configuration and cannot be set directly.")
[docs] def fetch(self, plugin): """This function is called when the attribute is being accessed. Should be overridden by subclasses to customize behavior. """ if not hasattr(plugin, "config"): raise AttributeError("Plugin has not been configured.") if in plugin.config: return plugin.config[] return self.get_default(plugin.run_id)
[docs] @export def combine_configs(old_config, new_config=None, mode="update"): if new_config is None: new_config = dict() if mode == "update": c = old_config.copy() c.update(new_config) return c if mode == "setdefault": return combine_configs(new_config, old_config, mode="update") if mode == "replace": return new_config raise RuntimeError("Expected update, setdefault or replace as config setting mode")